Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
Energy meter reading tedious process. Now a day energy meter reader goes to every premise and takes the reading manually then issues the bill. In manually reading human error possible and not provide reliable meter reading. To avoid this difficult task Automatic Energy Meter Reading (AMR) system is introduced. AMR is the technology that automatically collecting consumption and status of data from energy metering device and transferring the data to Electricity Board (EB) office by using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). After verifying customer’s serial number bill will be issued then data has been stored into database. The proposed system automatically disconnect meter either load crosses concern limit or payment periods exists. It also does not provide electricity tampering and provide accurate meter reading.
Energy meter reading tedious process. Now a day energy meter reader goes to every premise and takes the reading manually then issues the bill. In manually reading human error possible and not provide reliable meter reading. To avoid this difficult task Automatic Energy Meter Reading (AMR) system is introduced. AMR is the technology that automatically collecting consumption and status of data from energy metering device and transferring the data to Electricity Board (EB) office by using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). After verifying customer’s serial number bill will be issued then data has been stored into database. The proposed system automatically disconnect meter either load crosses concern limit or payment periods exists. It also does not provide electricity tampering and provide accurate meter reading.
Key words: AMR, WSN,
Electricity is one of the basic necessary parameter in day to day life. For
developing countries like India power requirements are still increasing due to
indecent power distribution system and traditional meter reading system. So it’s
important to provide the electricity to all the people. This electricity has
been controlled by using energy meter. Energy meter is a device which measures consumption
of electricity of any homes and premises. Still some of the countries are using
electromechanical metering devices for measuring electricity with low accuracy.
Most of the countries are using electronic metering devices with medium
accuracy. Some developed countries are using digital metering devices for
measuring electricity with high accuracy. In traditional meter reading system,
meter reader people who visit every home and take the reading. In manual meter
reading system, error reading and error calculation is possible. Especially,
during rainy days difficult go every house and take reading. If payment period
exists, electricity board mans need to go to their houses and discontinue the
energy meter supply. Traditional meter reading system mostly defends on field
officers only. Some of the customers tampering the electricity, it provides
significant amount revenue loss for our government. Old meter reading system
security is biggest issue because easy to tampering the electricity and wrongly
takes the reading. Automatic Energy Meter Reading includes various technology
for data collection such as PLC (power line communication) method, RF (Radio
Frequency) Method, GSM based technology and Zigbee based technology but zigbee
based AMR technology is better than other technologies. Earlier power line
communication used for energy meter reading. Power line communications are easily
disturbed by noise. GSM based automatic meter reading provides meter reading
with improved billing and reduce tampering. In rural areas coverage of GSM network
is biggest issues. Automatic meter reading system is convenient way to collects
data and frequently reading meter and also gave power cut information. Automatic
Energy Meter Reading system provide remote monitoring that is control the
domestic energy meter from anywhere in the world and does not allow tampering
of electricity. Relaxation time is given to customers. Once payment period
exceeds, automatically disconnect energy meter and information is given to
customers. Similarly customers consume extra load than normal, automatically discontinue
the meter. This proposed system provides accurate meter reading and flexible
Table 1. Shows comparison between Zigbee based Automatic Meter Reading
System and Traditional Metering System. Using Automatic Energy Meter Reading Technology
can control meter and monitoring the data usage of domestic electricity meter
everywhere in the world. Zigbee based automatic energy meter reading or AMR are
provides tampering warning feature, automatic disconnection feature, power cut
information. Traditional meter reading does not provide these kinds of
features. Automatic energy meter reading system is accessing the data and
receiving customer feedbacks to improve their service. Traditional meter reading
system cost is very high because meter reader people need to go every houses
and industries for take the meter reading.
In AMR system no need meter reader people for accessing the meter it
automatically read and transferring to electricity board offices. AMR systems
avoid error meter reading and error reading. It‟s also provides increasing security
of data.
Table 1 Comparison of zigbee ARM and Traditional meter reading system
Load consists of potential transformer and current transformer. Voltage is
get from potential transformer and current is get from current transformer.
Potential transformer is step down transformer which is used to convert high
voltage to low voltage. Current transformer step up transformer which is used
in high voltage circuits. Potential coil consumes a less and relatively equal
amount of power, typically around 1.8 watts which is not registered on the
meter. Similarly, current coil consumes a small amount of power in proportional
to the square of the current flowing through it, typically up to 2 or 3 watts power,
which is registered on the meter. Both voltage coil and current coil is given
to energy meter. There are two coils, one coil is connected in such a way that
produces a magnetic flux in proportion to the voltage and the other produces a
magnetic flux in proportion to the current. The field of the voltage coil is
delayed by 90 degrees, due to the coil's inductive nature, and calibrated using
a lag coil. This can produces eddy currents in the disc and the effect is such
that a force is exerted on the disc in proportion to the product of the
instantaneous current, voltage and phase angle between them. A permanent magnet
exerts an opposing force proportional to the speed of rotation of the disc. The
equilibrium between these two opposing forces results in the disc rotating at a
speed proportional to the power or rate of energy usage.
Fig. 1. Client Side
Potential transformer and current transformer get power from load. Both
potential and current transformers produced power is given to signal
conditioning unit. Signal conditioning unit converts this power value analog into
digital value. This converted digital value is given to ARM7 LPC2148 processor
which converts current and voltage values into energy as single output. ARM processor
continuously monitoring and control energy meter. This digital output continuously
displayed on the meter by using LCD display.
Display unit not only show output also show the power cut information and
load details. This output is transmitting to server by using zigbee 2.4 ghz mac
protocol whenever server request for reading. Zigbee device act as transceiver that
is transmit as well as receive the datas. Three kind of zigbee devices are
available in market. Here using zigbee end device because less cost and
transmit data longer distance. Data transmission is done in adhoc manner. Adhoc
networks main aim to find shortest path and transmit the data to server. For
longer distance data transmit to neighbor nodes then transmit another nearest node
like that way finally reach the destination. Relay is electrically operated
switch, here using solid state relay. It provide faster operation than
electromechanical relay because solid state relay made by semiconductor devices.
Its main purpose isolation and disconnect the power supply. Automatically
disconnect meter supply by using solid state relay. Processor checking customer
usage loads, if user consume excessive load than normal, it automatically
disconnect the meter supply by using solid state relay. Similarly current value
increase more than 20 amps processor automatically disconnect the meter power
supply. These informations given to both customer and electricity board.
Fig. 2. Server Side
Monthly once server requesting to metering device for energy reading by
using zigbee protocol. Energy meter receiving request from server then node
transmit the consumed data to server by using zigbee protocol. Server side
zigbee receives transmitted data. This data is given to ARM7 LPC2148 processor
for verify the serial number and stored into vb database then bill will be issued.
Once payment period exists meter supply connection will be discontinued
automatically for customers those who not paid the electricity bills.
First request is transferred to node side by using zigbee protocol. Then
arm processor accepts the request and disconnects that particular meter supply.
If customer either consumes excessive loads or tampering the electricity, automatically
discontinue the energy meter supply and information given to electricity board
offices. This information’s are displayed in PC. All the processing data’s are
stored in database.
Zigbee end device reads energy measurement information in multifunction
electric meter by UART, and transmits them to the network coordinator via
Zigbee wireless network, thus it can realize the wireless meter reading of the
network coordinator. Meanwhile, the network coordinator can transfer clock
correcting command to multifunction electric meter through Zigbee end device to
calibrate the system clock and power parameters. Therefore, the zigbee end
device should be able to communicate with the multifunction electric meter in
order to read data and the coordinator in order to send data.
The coordinator also has to know which end node that sends the data so the
data can be read accurately. Each of Zigbee modules has a unique 64-bit
permanent address, so the addressing won‟t be much difficult. Fig. 3 shows the program
flowchart of end device
Fig. 3. AMR Flowchart
Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
Zigbee based Automatic Energy Meter Reading simulation is done by using
LabVIEW tool. LabVIEW is Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering
Workbench. It is graphical programming language which allows instrument control,
data acquisition, pre/post processing of data. LabVIEW is simple tool, easy to
use, easy to modify and faster development time. Main advantage of labview tool
is control the hardware by using software. Interfacing of hardware and software
is simple in labview. It consists of front panel and block diagram. Fig. 3
shows meter side of front panel. Whatever placed in front panel appears in block
diagram. This front panel consists of meter number, voltage, current, power,
energy reading, real time clock and overload button. Front panel also has
tampers button, send and receive buttons.
Fig. 4. Meter Side Front Panel
Power is get from voltage and current. By using power value energy meter
reading value will be calculate. Send and receive buttons are used for send and
receive the values defends on the server request. Fig.4 shows that meter side
of block diagram. Whatever placed in front panel will be displayed in block
diagram. This is working area of labview. All the calculation made in block
diagram only. Labview provides interfacing between system and zigbee by using
RS232 cable. Data send and receive only if send and receive buttons are on.
Overload button used to show overload condition.
Fig. 5. Meter Side Block diagram
Fig. 6 shows that server side of front panel. Meter side reading is
transmitted to server side. Server side will display client transmitted data.
If client sides tamper and overload condition is occurs indication given to
both client and server.
Fig. 6. Server Side Front Panel
Fig. 7 shows the block diagram of server. According to this block diagram,
server side front panel shows the results. Server data receive program is done
in server side of the block diagram.
Fig. 7. Server Side Block Diagram
WSN based automatic energy meter reading simulation was done successfully.
It provides great performance, very low performance, less interference and low
cost. Zigbee based automatic energy meter reading automatically transmit the
reading to server. It provides some features like automatic connect/disconnect
feature, tamper warning feature and power cut information. It provides benefits
to both customer as well as service provider.
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Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
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