Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
This paper presents a comparative analysis of DC-DC Converters
for Renewable Energy System. It has been proved that DC-DC converter with
transformer is suitable for Electrolyser application. Due to high input and
output voltage differences, the topologies with a high frequency voltage matching
transformer are analyzed. The comparative analysis is done with and without
Transformer topology in order to achieve zero voltage switching for the power
switches and to regulate the output voltage. The MATLAB simulation results and experimental
results show that the output of converter is free from ripples and has
regulated output voltage.
Key words: DC-DC converter, electrolyser, renewable
energy sources and resonant converter.
Electrolysis is an electrochemical process in which electrical
energy is the driving force for chemical reactions. An electrolytic compound is
decomposed by passing a current through it. Water is decomposed to hydrogen and
oxygen by passing a current through it in the presence of suitable substances
called electrolytes. Electric current causes positively charged hydrogen ions
to migrate to the negatively charged cathode, where a reduction takes place in order
to form hydrogen atoms. The atoms formed will combine to gaseous hydrogen
molecules (H2). On the other hand, oxygen is formed at the other electrode (the
positively charged anode). The stoichiometry of the reaction is two volumes of hydrogen
to one volume of oxygen. The most important part in the construction of
electrolysis units is to use adequate electrodes to avoid unwanted reactions
which produce impurities in the hydrogen gas.
A. Methods of hydrogen production through water electrolysis
Despite the fact in the discovery of electrolytic water decomposing was
first observed in acidic water. In industrial plants alkaline medium is
preferred because corrosion is more easily controlled and cheaper construction
materials can be used for acidic electrolysis technology. Other methods of
hydrogen production such as proton exchange membrane electrolysis and steam
electrolysis have been developed in recent years. Hydrogen could also be
generated as a byproduct during chloralkali production. The stored hydrogen is
fed to a fuel cell to produce electricity. The main aim of this analysis is to
obtain optimization of the converter efficiency.
The converter switches which have been used are super junction MOSFET’s
with reduced forward resistance in the conduction mode and improved dynamic
characteristics in the switching transients. The converter strategy control
allows a zero voltage transient on the power switches of the full-bridge inverter.
B.Renewable electrolysis
Renewable electrolysis is a process that uses renewable electricity to
produce hydrogen by passing an electrical current through water. Renewable
energy sources such as photovoltaics, wind, biomass, hydropower, and geothermal
can provide clean, sustainable electricity. Renewable electrolysis is hindered
by the difficulty of producing hydrogen from renewable sources in a
cost-competitive manner. To realize the potential of renewable electrolysis,
the costs of renewable technologies as well as the capital requirements for
electrolysers must be lowered, and renewable electrolysis systems must be
optimized.Factors that limit widespread use of renewable technologies include
inherent variability and seasonal energy production. The hydrogen produced from
renewable electrolysis can be used in fuel cells or internal combustion engines
to produce electricity during peak demand or low power production. This
hydrogen can also be used as transportation fuel.
C. Hydrogen production from RES
The RE system components have substantially different voltage-current
characteristics and they are integrated on the DC bus through power
conditioning devices for optimal operation. Electrolytic hydrogen offers a
promising alternative for long-term energy storage of renewable energy (RE).
The long-term excess energy with respect to load demand has been sent to the
electrolyser for hydrogen production and then the fuel cell has utilized this
stored hydrogen to produce electricity when wind and solar energies are
insufficient. The DC power required by the electrolyser system is supplied by
the DC-DC converter. Electrolysis of water is the best way to produce
ecofriendly hydrogen because:
(i) Water on earth is abundant
(ii) Hydrogen is provided from abundant renewable energy Sources.
(iii) Oxidation of Hydrogen for the production of electrical energy (in
fuel cells) produces only water, which can be recycled. The cost of hydrogen
production from solar energy is rather high, approximately 100$/GJ. Except the
photovoltaic panels
required for this process, water electrolysis units are also expensive.
Aeolic energy usage cost for the production of hydrogen is nowadays 15-20$/GJ.
Fig 1.Block diagram of a typical renewable energy system
Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
The basic model to describe the dynamics of a Renewable energy system with
Hydrogen storage (RESHS) is shown in fig.1. It integrates sub-models of the
electrolyser, the fuel cell, the batteries, the power interfaces (buck and
boost converters) and the storage system. Interdependency issues (hydrogen consumption
cannot exceed production) are taken into account. Special attention is given to
the characterization of the system’s major components in the transient state,
and use simple and realistic assumptions to describe the behavior for short and
long-term operation of the RESHS. During periods of excess load demand over the
input renewable resources, a fuel cell operating on stored hydrogen would
provide a balance of power. To ensure a proper flow of power between the system
elements, the available energy from different sources are coupled to a low
voltage DC bus. A direct connection of DC bus to the electrolyser is not
suitable because it lacks th ability to control the power flow between
renewable input source and the electrolyser.
Therefore, a power conditioning system, usually a DC-DC converter is
required to couple the electrolyser to the system bus. High-frequency (HF)
transformer isolated, DC-DC converter is suitable for this application due to
their small size, light weight and reduced cost.
D. Past Experiences
Iwakura C et al has presented the Electrochemical properties of hydrogen
(1995). Kreuter W and Hofmann H has illustrated that Electrolysis is the
important energy transformer in a world of sustainable energy (1998). Neagu C
et al has described that the electrolysis of water is an actuation principle for
RES (2000). Renewable energy systems based on hydrogen for remote applications
has been done by Agbossou K et al (2001). Menzl F et al has introduced a
Windmill electrolyser system for a hydrogen based energy supply (2001). Lehmann
J et al has proposed a wind-hydrogen fuel cell chain (2002).Long-term
performance of stand-alone renewable energy system for hydrogen production has
been done by Kolhe M et al (2002). C. Elam et al has presented a Renewable
electrolysis integrated system development and testing (2004). S. Kelouwani et
al has developed a Model for energy conversion in renewable energy system with
hydrogen storage (2005). J. I. Levene et al has implemented the Analysis of
Hydrogen Production from Renewable Electricity Sources (2005). D. S. Gautam has
implemented a Soft- Switched DC-DC Converters for Power Conditioning of
electrolyser in a Renewable Energy System (2006).
Electrolyser in H2 Self-Producing Systems Connected to DC Link with
Dedicated Phase Shift Converter has been done by Cavallaro C et al (2007).
Optimum Controlled Full Bridge LC Resonant Converter for Electrolyser
Application has been done by P. Chandrasekhar (2009). Andrijanovits A et al has
designed a Three-level half- bridge ZVS DC-DC converter for electrolyser
integration with renewable energy systems (2011).
This work deals with the comparison of with and without Transformer type
DC-DC converters.
1. With Transformer
2. Without Transformer
Analysis of selected converters
The selected converters are designed for the worst operating conditions of:
minimum input voltage, Vin = 48 V; maximum output voltage, Vo =
200 V; and maximum output power ( 2 kW for each cell); switching frequency, fs
= 10 kHz; inverter output pulse-width, δ = π.
The basic circuit diagram of the DC-DC converter is a modified series (LCL
type) resonant converter with capacitive output filter. The converter operates
in lagging PF mode for very wide variations in load and supply voltage, thus ensuring
ZVS for all the primary switches. The peak current through the switches
decreases with load current. The fundamental component of the square wave input
voltage is applied to the resonant network and the resulting sine waves of
current and voltage in the resonant circuit are computed using classical AC
analysis. For a rectifier with an inductor output filter, a sine wave voltage
appears at the input, and the average arrives at the resulting DC output
voltage. For a capacitive output filter, a square wave of voltage appears at
the input to the rectifier while a sine wave of current is injected into the
rectifier. For this case the fundamental component of the square wave voltage
is used in the AC analysis. The even harmonics in the output of the rectifier
are filtered using an LC filter. Driving pulses are applied to the MOSFET in
such a way that the pulse width coincides with the resonant.
This paper presents a comparative analysis of DC-DC converters using with and
without transformer (fig 2, 3), in order to achieve zero voltage switching for
the power switches and to regulate the output voltage. DC-DC converter with Transformer
has advantages like high efficiency, high power density, low EMI, reduced
switching stresses, high circuit efficiency and stable output voltage.
above values are found to be a near optimum for the design specifications.
Fig 2 DC-DC Converter with Transformer
Fig 3 DC-DC Converter without Transformer
The simulation is done using Matlab Simulink and results are presented.
Scope is connected to display the output voltage.
Fig 4 Circuit diagram of DC-DC converter with Transformer
Fig 5 Driving Pulses(X axis-Time (sec), Y axis-Amplitude)
Fig 6 Inverter output voltage with LC filter (X axis-Time
(sec), Y axis Amplitude)
Fig 7 Transformer secondary voltage (X axis- Time (sec), Y
Fig 8 Output voltage (X axis- me (sec), Y axis-Amplitude)
Fig 9 Output current (X axis- Time (sec), Y axis-Current (Amp))
Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
Fig 4 shows the circuit diagram of DC-DC converter with Transformer. Fig 5
shows the Driving Pulses. Fig 6 shows the Inverter output voltage with LC
filter. Fig 7 shows the Transformer secondary voltage .Fig 8 shows the Output voltage
of DC-DC converter with Transformer. Fig 9 shows the Output current of DC-DC
converter with Transformer.
The simulation is done using Matlab Simulink and results are presented.
Scope is connected to display the output voltage.
Fig 10 Circuit diagram of Transformer less DC- DC
Fig 11 Input voltage waveform (X axis-Time (sec), Y axis -
Fig 12 Switching pulse for mosfet’s (X axis-Time (sec), Y
Fig 13 Gate voltage and drain to source voltage (X axis-Time
(sec), Y axis-Amplitude)
Fig 14 Output voltage waveform (X axis-Time (sec), Y
axis- Amplitude)
Fig 15 Output current waveform (X axis-Time (sec), Y axis-Current
Fig 10 shows the Circuit diagram of Transformer less DC-DC converter. Fig
11 shows the Input voltage of Transformer less DC- DC converter. Fig 12 shows
the Switching pulse for mosfet’s . Fig 13 shows the Gate voltage and drain to
source voltage. Fig 14 shows the Output voltage of Transformer less DC- DC
converter. Fig 15 shows the Output current of Transformer less DC- DC converter.
The hardware is fabricated and tested in the laboratory with resistive
load. Pulses required by the MOSFETs are generated by using an ATMEL
microcontroller 89C2051.These pulses are amplified by using a driver amplifier.
The following values are found to be a near optimum for the design
Fig. 16 –Experimental setup of DC-DC converter with
Fig. 17- Ac input voltage (X axis 1 unit =1ms, Y axis 1
unit =10V)
Fig. 18 - Driving pulses (X axis 1 unit =0.5μs, Y axis 1
unit =5V)
19- Inverter output voltage without filter (X axis 1 unit =0.5μs, Y axis 1 unit
Fig. 20- Inverter output voltage with filter (X axis 1
unit =0.5μs, Y axis 1 unit =10V)
Fig. 21 - DC output voltage (X axis 1 unit =1ms, Y axis 1
unit =10V)
Fig. 16 shows the Experimental setup of DC-DC converter with Transformer.
Fig. 17 shows the Ac input voltage. Fig. 18 shows the Driving pulses. Fig. 19
shows the Inverter output voltage without filter . Fig. 20 shows the Inverter
output voltage with filter. Fig. 21 shows the DC output voltage.
Fig. 22 - Ac input voltage (X axis 1 unit =1ms,Yaxis 1
unit =10V)
Fig. 23 - Driving pulses (X axis 1 unit =0.5μs,Yaxis 1
unit =5V)
Fig. 24 - Inverter output voltage without filter (X axis
1 unit =0.5μs,Yaxis 1 unit =10V)
Fig. 25 - Inverter output voltage with filter (X axis 1
unit =0.5μs,Yaxis 1 unit =10V)
Fig. 26 - Dc output voltage (X axis 1 unit =1ms,Yaxis 1
unit =10V)
Fig. 22 shows the Ac input voltage of DC-DC converter without Transformer .
Fig. 23 shows the Driving pulses. Fig. 24 shows the Inverter output voltage
without filter. Fig. 25 shows the Inverter output voltage with filter. Fig. 26
shows the DC output voltage.
Table 1 gives the efficiency with transformer.
Table 2 gives the efficiency without transformer.
27 Output power Vs Input voltage
Fig 28 Output voltage Vs Input voltage
Fig 29 Efficiency Vs Input voltage
Fig 30 FFT Analysis of DC-DC converter with Transformer
Fig 31 FFT Analysis of DC-DC converter without Transformer
Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
This paper portrays a comparative analysis of DC-DC Converters for
Renewable Energy System. The simulation and experimental results show that the
power gain obtained by this method clearly increases the hydrogen production
and storage rate from wind-PV systems. It has been proved that DC-DC converter
with transformer has the desirable features for electrolyser application.
Theoretical predictions of the selected configuration have been compared with
the MATLAB simulation results. The converter operates in lagging PF mode for a
very wide change in load and supply voltage variations, thus ensuring ZVS for
all the primary switches. The peak current through the switches decreases with
load current. The simulation and experimental results indicate that the output
of the inverter is nearly sinusoidal. The output of rectifier is pure DC due to
the presence of LC filter at the output. It can be seen that the efficiency of
DC-DC converter with transformer is 15% higher than the converter without
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Electrical and Electronics Project by Ravi Devani
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