The Marx
Principle was developed by Erwin Otto Marx. Its principle is to generate a high
voltage pulse using a number of capacitors in parallel to charge up during the
on time and then connected in series to develop higher voltage during the off
period. This principle is used to generate voltages in the range of KV’s in
real-time for testing the insulation of the electronic appliances like
transformers and the insulation of the power carrying lines. This project
consists of 4 stages and each stage is made of one MOSFET, two diodes, and one
capacitor. MOSFET is used as a switch; diodes are used to charge the capacitor
at each stage without power loss. A 555 timer generates pulses for the
capacitors to charge in parallel during ON time. During OFF time of the pulses
the capacitors are brought in series with the help of MOSFET switches. Finally,
number of capacitors used in series (4 in our project) adds up the voltage to
approximately 3 (4 capacitors-1 capacitor) times the supply voltage. This
system structure gives compactness and easiness to implement the total system.
With the
development of solid-state electronics, solid-state devices are becoming more
and more suitable for pulsed power application. They could provide the pulsed
power systems with compactness, reliability, high repetition rate, and long
life time. The rising of pulsed power generators using solid-state devices
eliminates limitations of conventional components, and promises pulsed power
technology to be widely used in commercial applications. However, solid-state
switching devices such as MOSFET available now are only rated up to a few kilo
Volts. Most of pulsed power systems demand much higher voltage ratings.
Marx Generator
The generator
capacitance C is to be first charged and then discharged into the wave shaping
circuits. A single capacitor C may be used for voltages up to 200 kV. For
producing very high voltages, a bank of capacitor are charged in parallel and
then discharged in series. The arrangement for charging the capacitors in
parallel and then connecting them in series for discharging was originally
proposed by Erwin Otto Marx in 1923 as shown in Fig.1. Usually the charging
resistance is chosen to limit the charging current to about 50 to 100 mA, and
the generator capacitance C is chosen such that the product CRs is about 10s to
1 min. The gap spacing is chosen such that the breakdown voltage of the gap G
is greater than the charging voltage V. Thus, all the capacitances are charged
to the voltage V in about 1 minute. When the impulse generator is to be
discharged, the gaps G are made to spark over simultaneously by some external
means. Thus, all the capacitors C get connected in series and discharge into
the load capacitance or the test object. The discharge time constant CR1/n (for
n stages) will be very small compared to charging time constant CRs which will
be few be very small be very small compared to charging time constant CRs which
will be few seconds.
Fig.1: Conventional
Marx Generator
There are some
demerits in the conventional Marx circuit as follows:
charging time because the charging current flows through the charging
efficiency because of the same reason mentioned above.
repetition rate because of the same reason.
output voltage appearance in charging period because the charging current flows
through the charging resistors and a load.
is impossible because of using the spark gap switches.
life time of the spark gap switches.
In order to
solve these problems, some new Marx circuits are proposed. These new improved
circuits use semiconductor switches such as MOS-FETs or IGBTs.
Modern Marx
With the
development of solid-state electronics, solid-state devices are becoming more
and more suitable for pulsed power application. They could provide the pulsed
power systems with compactness, reliability, high repetition rate and long life
time. The rising of pulsed power generators using solid-state devices
eliminates limitations of conventional components, and promises pulsed power
technology to be widely used in commercial applications. However, Solid-state
switching devices such as Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
(MOSFET) available now are only rated up to a few kilo Volts. Previously, it
employed spark gaps as switches which are replaced by electronic switches such
as (MOSFETs) and resistors as isolator is replaced by diodes. Therefore,
Convention Marx generator had drawbacks such as low repetition rate, short life
time, inefficiency are eliminated by modern Marx generator as shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2: Contemporary Structure of Marx Generator
Charge Mode
In this mode,
IGBTs are at off-state. As shown in Figure 2, the high frequency transformer T
passes the energy to the secondary winds from a generator of high repetition
rates sine voltage. Via the large inductor L and diodes D, the capacitors C in
parallel are charged by the high voltage (HV) and high frequency rectify
bridge. The large inductor acts as a current limiter and cause boost of the
voltage of capacitors.
Discharge Mode
In this mode,
IGBTs turn on simultaneously. Then they are at on-state and, consequently, the
capacitors are linked in series. Thus, the load could acquire a negative high
voltage which is the sum of the voltage of capacitors. Via IGBTs, the
capacitors discharge their energy to the load. Diodes take place of resistors
as the isolator in conventional Marx generator. Capacitors C, inductor L and
diode D1 compose of another discharge loop. In this mode, the inductor L
isolates high output voltage apart from the rectify bridge. Some demerits of
conventional Marx circuit are improved as follows.
short charging time because the charging current flows through the diodes
instead of the charging resistors.
high efficiency because of the same reason mentioned above.
high repetition rate because of the same reason.
is possible because of using the semiconductor switches instead of the spark
gap switches.
life time of the switches.
Fig.3: Block Diagram
Primary energy
source is taken as a step down AC supply. It is step down to suitable voltage
and rectified to get constant DC supply for charging of capacitors. Capacitors
are charge storage device. The charging of capacitor takes place as they are
parallel connected to the rectifier. When capacitor is having appropriate
charge stored in it, switches are used to connect all capacitor in series and
discharge of capacitor take place and we get n times of rectifier voltage
across the load. Due to various practical constraints, the output voltage is
somewhat less than n×V (where n is stages).
A 555 timer is
used astable mode, i.e., pin 2 and 6 are shorted and output is connected to
base of BC547 Q6. Collector of Q6 is connected to base of Q5. Pin 3 of timer is
also connected to base of Q12 which drives Q11. Collector of Q11 is connected
to base of Q7, Q8, Q9 and Q10. Collectors of Q7, Q8, Q9 and Q10 are connected
to pin 2 of U4, U3, U2, U1 opto-isolator IC resp. pin 1 of U4, U3, U2 and U1 is
connected to Vcc. Emitters of Q7, Q8, Q9 and Q10 are grounded.
Fig.4: Circuit Diagram
Capacitors C1 to
C6 used supply the driving power to the MOSFETs while C1, C2, C4, C6 are used
also for storing the charge in parallel mode while Q5 delivers positive pulses
through diodes D1 to D4, D5 to D8 and D10-D13. A 555 timer is used in a stable
multi-vibrator mode near 50% duty cycle whose ON period delivers the power at
point ‘A’ by 2 switching transistors Q5 & Q6. The ON period also switches
to other switching transistors Q10 & Q11 which ultimately switch ON Q7 to
Q10 which are used for driving the LEDs of the opto-isolators (MCT2E) U1 to U4.
The output of the opto-isolators are connected to gate and source of respective
MOSFETs which are thus kept switched OFF as their gate and source are at ground
potential. During the OFF time period of the timer all the switching transistor
Q5, Q6, Q11, Q12,& Q7 to Q10 remain OFF . This causes the capacitors C2,
C3, C4 and C6 to start.
• Ton = 0.693
(R1+R2) C = 0.693 (10000+1000) 100*10^-9 = 0.7ms
• Toff =
0.693*R2*C = 0.693*10000*100*10^-9 = 0.6ms
• Duty cycle =
Ton/ (Ton + Toff) = 0.7ms/ (0.7ms+0.6ms) = 53.8%
= (Vo*t)/(R) = (48*10^-3)/(3900) = 98.6uF100Uf
- 47uF/160V, 100uF/35V, 0.1uF
- 1k,10k,3.9k
- IRFZ44
- 1N4007
The simulation
of conventional Marx generator is done to obtain HVDC upto 2kV. The circuit is
shown below:
Fig.5: Marx circuit
The input given
was 12V for which an output of 30V was obtained due to losses.
Fig.6: Hardware Result
For an input of
1kV, 2kV output was obtained. The result is shown in Fig.7. The waveforms are
shown in Fig.8.
Fig.7: Simulation results
Fig.8: Waveforms from
The simulation
gives the idea of HVDC generation i.e., 2kV using sphere gaps. In this study,
solid-state devices such as MOSFET and diodes are used in Marx generator to
replace of gap switches and resistors. Furthermore, it is reasonable that
MOSFET drivers utilize method of self-supplied power. The Marx generator is
used to multiply voltage by using MOSFETS. The number of MOSFETS used decides
the number of times the voltage should be multiplied. In this study we have
used four stages in hardware and the circuit multiplies the input voltage
1] Repetitive
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